The Affidavit project is part of a major international effort (USA/EU) to develop tools and techniques to promote the widespread adoption of sound architectural practices in software engineering community, therefore aiming to increase global software quality.
Our goal is to make the current state of knowledge about software architecture design accessible to mainstream system developers by building a framework that will allow architects to investigate the properties of their architectures through architectural simulation and ensure their correct application through architectural transformation. The simulation is based on architectural tactics and will support the achievement of quality goals as defined in quality attribute scenarios, by allowing an architect to determine the consequences of architectural decisions, and to maketradeoffs that balance competing quality requirements. Architectural transformation will ensure that the structure of the system built matches the designed and simulated behavior. This will open the way to computer-assisted design, migration and validation of large-scale software architectures.
Title: Affidavit - Automating the Proof of Quality Atributes for Large Scale Software Systems
Project Reference: CMU-PT/ELE/0035/2009
Contest: CMU-Portugal 2009
Program: COMPETE
Field: Engenharia de Software para Sistemas Robustos de Larga Escala